scdbackup_verify 0.9.2 en usage: scdbackup_verify [data_source [record_name [old_limit [young_limit [cut_size]]]]] Reads a data stream from data_source (default: /dev/cdrom) and compares it with a recorded backup volume checksum. This record may be specified by record_name, old_limit and young_limit. cut_size "650m" may be needed for multi-CD afio archives. The pseudo data_source "-list" lists all matching records. The pseudo record_name "-auto" causes a global list search. By default the most recent record is used. Recordfile is : /home/test/scdbackup-0.9.2/logs/backup_log Examples : Use the record of the most recently written CD scdbackup_verify Use the latest record of the first part of a three part backup scdbackup_verify /dev/cdrom 1_3 Use latest record before Jan 10 2003, 11 am. Read /dev/cdrecorder scdbackup_verify /dev/cdrecorder - - A30110.110000 List all records which were made 12 hours or two days ago scdbackup_verify -list - -2d -12h Search whole record list for the CD in /dev/cdrom scdbackup_verify /dev/cdrom -auto Perform same search but end reading after the first match (good for DVD) scdbackup_verify /dev/cdrom -auto_end