usage: scdbackup_askme infosource [options|searchtexts]

This program reads information about a backup created by scdbackup. It then
allows to query those informations and eventually assists in restoring
files from backup to disk.
Information source may be one of the following:
* a backup configuration directory containing files ./highest_level ,
  ./level_*/content_file_list.gz , ./level_*/vanished_file_list.gz
  and ./level_*/complete_dir_list.gz .
* a set of media containing directory ./added_by_scdbackup with files
  content_file_list.gz , vanished_file_list.gz and complete_dir_list.gz .
  The media get prompted.
* a file created by scdbackup option -content_list_adr
  or -complete_list_adr.
* an ASKME script together with eventually available ASKME_level_* from the
  same directory which represent older levels of the backup.

General options (search and restore options are listed separately):
  -help       prints this text
  -hilfe      gibt diesen Text in deutscher Sprache aus
              (prints this text in german language)
  -fat_tree   loads as much file attributes as possible. This doubles or
              triples memory consumption. Works only as program argument
              but not in dialog or from file.
  -id         prints a message about this backup
  -count      prints the number of volumes
  -list       prints the parts and their items. With -fat_tree: level sizes.
  -list:#     prints a single part (e.g. -list:3)
  -statistics[:"long"|:levelnumber]  show statistics about whole backup
              or about a single level. "long" shows all levels in detail.
              A level is reported by three lines. They describe the content
              of the level, the already deleted files among this content,
              and the already replaced files.
  -levelall   lookup all levels (else: show only youngest match)
  -nolevel    do not look in older levels
  -level_reset  revoke -levelall or -nolevel
  -volumewise[:mode]  controls output order of volumes and levels. Modes:
                volume_ascending ... report volumes in ascending order
                levels_ascending ... report levels in ascending order
                on  [or no mode] ... volumes and levels in ascending order
                off ...... levels in descending order, no volume sorting
  -suball     lookup all sub items and levels (else: show one per part)
  -fast       do not look for sub items
  -sub_reset  revoke -suball or -fast
  -outdated:code  how to deal with file objects which are still on some
              some backup media but removed or replaced on disk:
                hide ... do not deliver outdated file objects
                show ... deliver valid and outdated file objects
                only ... do not deliver valid file objects
  -dialog     after all arguments are processed, enter dialog mode.
              In this mode you may enter searchtexts or any of the options
              described here. One per line.
  -dialog_reset  revoke -dialog (works only if given as argument)
  -deutsch    issue dialog messages in german language
  -english    issue dialog messages in english language (default)
  -page:len[:width]  prompt user after len output lines (0=no prompt).
              width (default 80) can adjust line number computation
              to the output terminal's line width.
  -use_stdin  use raw standard input even if libreadline is available
  -use_readline  use libreadline for dialog if available
  -history:textline  copy textline into libreadline history. This command
              itself is not copied to the history list.
  -pkt_output[:on|:off]  direct output to stdout and prefix each line by a
              short header which tells channel id and a mode number.
              Each such output packet is finalized by a newline.
              Channel ids are 'R:' for result lines, 'I:' for notes
              and error messages, 'M:' for -mark texts. Bit 0 of the
              mode number tells wether the newline is also part of the
              packet payload. Example of a info message with newline:
                I:1: enter option or search text :
              -pkt_output:on is intended for use by frontend programs.
  -logfile:channel:fileaddress  copy output of a channel to the given file.
              channel may be 'R','I','M' as with -pkt_output or '.'
              for the consolidated -pkt_output stream.
  -mark:text  if text is not empty it will get put out each time an
              option or search is completed.
  -prog:text  use text as this program's name in subsequent messages
  -prog_help:text  use text as this program's name and perform -help
  -prog_hilfe:text use text as this program's name and perform -hilfe
  -result_format:code:...:code  compose format of result output from
                levhdr ... level headline
                levno .... level number in result lines
                volno .... volume number
                target ... target address (content list only)
                target_esc  target address with escaped '=' and '\'
                source ... source address
                expr ..... search text resp. expression 
              Defaults: ASKME  -result_format:levhdr:volno:source:expr
                Content lists  -result_format:levhdr:volno:target:source
  -read_pickiness:code  behavior with problems when reading infosource:
                 zero ... try to keep on reading as long as possible
                 low .... ignore minor inconsistencies in the infosource
                 high ... abort on the first inconsistency in infosource
              Only the first -read_pickiness argument gets effective.
  -no_dir_list  Do not read  complete_dir_list.gz
  -media_mode:[+-]:option:...  set rules how to handle media when the
              program demands a particular volume. Options are:
                 mount_umount   use external commands to unmount the
                                previous volume and to mount the new one.
                 load_eject     use external commands to unload the
                                previous volume and to load the new one.
                 on_abort_try   perform unload even in abort situations
  -media_cmd_mount:command  a command and eventual fixed arguments to be
              executed rather than command mount. It will get the mount
              point directory as additional argument.
  -media_cmd_umount:command  like -media_cmd_mount but replacing command
  -media_cmd_load:command  like -media_cmd_mount but replacing command
              eject -t
  -media_cmd_eject:command  like -media_cmd_mount but replacing command
  -status[:mode|:filter]  report the current settings of persistent options.
                 short... print only important or altered options
                 long ... print options even if they have default settings
                 long_history  like long plus -history: lines
              Filters begin with '-' and are compared literally against the
              output lines of -status:long_history. A line is put out only
              if its start matches the filter. Try these example filters
                 -status:-res  ,  -status:-restore  ,  -status:-restore_mode
              If neither mode nor filter is given, mode 'short' is assumed.
  -status_history_max:number  maximum number of history lines to be reported
              with -status:long_history
  -options_from_file:fileaddress  reads lines from the given file and
              executes them as program options.
  -abort_handler:option:...  controls handling of program abort by system
              signals. Anything other than "on" or "on:extra_verbous"
              should only be used in case of severe system deficiencies:
                on .... signals get caught, unclean file states get cleared
                        as far as possible and then the program ends
                off ... signals lead to immediate end of the program
                ignore  signals are rejected as far as possible and the
                        program continues. This may cause single files
                        to have corrupted content.
                handler_abort  abort immediately on further signals which
                        arrive after start of abort handling
                handler_repeat  restart abort handling on further signals
                extra_verbous  report about the particular actions and
                        decisions of abort handling
  # any text  is ignored. In dialog mode the input line will be stored in
              the eventual readline history, nevertheless.
  -info_source:addresse  gets only into effect if given as first argument.
              Usually the prefix -info_source: is not needed.
  -version    tells program and version number
  -end        end program immediately

The options -help, -hilfe, -prog_help, -prog_hilfe are recognized even if
given as first argument instead of an infosource. Options with parameters
accept not only ':' but also ' ' as separator. ' ' might be convenient in
dialog but has to be protected from the shell parser if given as argument.

Option -page causes a user prompt after the given number of result lines.
Empty input resumes output until the next prompt. Other input may be:
  @     suppresses pageing until the current option or search is done
  @@    suppresses further result output but continues the search 
  @@@   aborts the current search or option
  @skip suppresses -volumewise matching and -restore of the current volume
  other aborts the current search or option and executes input as new
        search or option


Depending on the information source the search capabilities differ:
* With ASKME, filenames resp. directories are looked up in the volume
  item lists. If the searchtext or a directory above is found then a result
  line according to -result_format is printed. If filename is a directory
  and an item below this address is found, then the action depends on
  -suball and -fast.
  The search functions only apply to the lines which are visible with -list.
  Therefore one cannot search in ASKME for a file name of which only a
  parent directory is listed.
  Pattern matching search modes are available but of limited use.
* Information read from content-vanish-list files forms a detailed tree
  model in which any file object can be found that is covered by the lists.
  Additionally this model can tell the target addresses on the backup media
  and not only the source addresses on hard disk.
  This model is well suited for pattern matching search modes. Therefore
  -search_sh is the default mode after loading it.
  If a directory address is matched it will be reported for any volume that
  contains one of its non-directory fileobjects. With option -suball
  every single non-directory below the found one will be reported.
If nothing is found on the newest level then usually the older levels are
searched. This behavior depends on -levelall and -nolevel .

The search is done on either the source addresses as they were given at
backup time or the target adresses as they are in the backup volumes.
  -search_source search on source addresses (default)
                 This option also adds :source: to -result_format.
  -search_target search on target addresses. Targets may get listed multiple
                 times if they come from different sources.
                 This option also adds :target: to -result_format.
  -search:searchtext  prevent searchtext from being understood as option
                 or comment (usually the prefix -search: is not needed)
Search comparison modes:
  -search_fgrep  try to find searchtext as arbitrary piece of source
  -search_grep   searchtext is regular expression  (^\/vids\/.*)
  -search_sh     searchtext is shell parser pattern    (/vids/*)
  -search_shpat  like -search_sh but without the special handling of '/'
  -search_shname like -search_sh but for leafname, not for absolute path.
                 This mode searches further below matched directories.
  -search_reset  search by comparing start pieces of searchtext and items
Navigation options:
  -cd:searchtext defines the working directory for -search_sh by the first
                 directory match of searchtext. It is prepended to any
                 searchtext which does not begin with '/'. -search_sh and
                 related options handle file names '..' and '.' as usual
                 in unix-style filesystems.
  -cd            resets working directory to the read-in working directory
                 resp. in -search_target mode to '/'
  -pwd           tells the current working directory
  -ls:searchtext gives an overview of known addresses. searchtext is like
                 with -search_sh. All levels and volumes are reported but
                 any match is reported only once. Matched directories list
                 their complete content.
  -ls            same as -ls:.
  -ls_d:searchtext like -ls but with no directory content reported. Empty
                 directories get reported (unlike -ls or normal search).
  -ls_d          same as -ls_d:*  (and nearly the same as -ls)
  -find:searchtext  lists matching files below current working directory.
                 searchtext is as with -search_shname. Empty directories
                 get listed.
  -find          same as -find:*


Important: Restoring will eventually temporarily widen the owner's access
           permissions of existing files. You cannot protect an *own* file
           from overwriting by taking away any permissions of the file
           itself or of your *own* directories above. Since the superuser
           usually has ownership privileges with all files, no permission
           settings can protect a file from being overwritten by the
           superuser (but -restore_mode:+:overwrite_off or -protect will do)
Restore is currently suitable only for runs based on a tree model and only
for mountable ISO-9660 backups. It needs to be enabled by
or by any -restore_mode: that does not start with '+' or '-'.

Restore operations copy from backup address to restore address.
This text refers "source" and "target" addresses in quotation marks
because these terms stem from the backup situation. Now in the restore
situation their meaning gets inverted. "target" is actually part of the
backup address (i.e. the origin of the copy). By default "source" is a
decisive part of the restore address (i.e. the destination of the copy).
Restore options:
  -restore_from:path  defines the directory path which is prepended to the
                 "target" address to form the backup address.
                 path is also used for eventual load-mount-umount-eject
  -restore_skip:path  defines the starting part of the restore address
                 which is to be cut off before -restore_to does its work.
                 The restore address is either derived from "source" or
                 from "target", depending on -restore_mode:use_target.
                 If the skip path does not match the start of the restore
                 address then this considered an error as if the file
                 would not exist on the backup media.
  -restore_to:path    defines the directory path which is prepended to the
                 emerging restore address after eventual -restore_skip
                 has cut off its part.
  -restore_asylum:path  defines the location where restore mode
                 overwrite_by_move shall save the overwritten files. The
                 asylum address is obtained by prepending path to the full
                 absolute address of the overwritten file object.
  -restore:searchtext  locate matching file objects and copy them to the
                 according restore address. Matching directories get
                 restored including all their sub files.
                 Matching is done by the same rules as with -search
  -restore_mode:[+-]:option:...  sets properties of restore operations.
                 If the first character after -restore_mode: is '+' then
                 all mentioned options get added to the existing properties.
                 If that first character is '-' then _all_ mentioned options
                 get reset to default. Else the whole -restore_mode is reset
                 before the mentioned options get added. Options are:
                   on_search      perform restore operations with any search
                                  (else only with -restore:...)
                   use_target     compose restore address from "target"
                   silent_file     do not report about single files
                   verbous_volume  report about mount_umount,load_eject
                   verbous_action  report in detail about actions
                   open_dir_for_owner  rwx-permission for directory owner
                   overwrite_off           do not overwrite existing files
                   overwrite_by_unlink     overwrite existing files, unlink
                   overwrite_by_truncation truncate and overwrite data files
                   overwrite_by_move  move existing files to -restore_asylum
                   obey_permissions do not widen owner permissions of parent
                                    directories. This can hamper restore !
                   disable_restore  disable restore operations temporarily
                   ban_restore      disable restore operations forever
                   on_error_ignore  continue operation after partial error
                   on_error_prompt  ask for instructions after partial error
                   on_error_exit    abort program after partial error
                   after_error_exit continue operation, abort when done
                   on_error_keep    do not remove incompletely restored file
                                    after error
                   keep_ownership   superuser shall not adjust owner,group
                   fresh_timestamps do not copy atime and mtime from backup
                   update_state_sparse  avoid to update -resume_state_file
                                    with each file. Update at dialog time.
                                    This devalues _dirty file tracing.
                   update_state_dsync  push the _dirty info to disk by fsync
                                    This is slow and puts load on the disk.
                   simulate_existence  debugging option
                   simulate_action     debugging option
                   simulate_mount      debugging option
  -restore_pre_prompt:command  a program and eventual fixed arguments
                 to be executed before the prompt for a new backup volume.
                 Four arguments will get appended: level, volume,
                 backup address of next match, and its restore address.
                 If command begins with '@' then it will be exceuted even
                 if -restore_mode:+:simulate_mount is set.
  -restore_post_prompt:command  like -restore_pre_prompt but to be executed
                 after the user input to the prompt for a new backup volume.
  -resume[:level[:volume[:restore_or_search_option]]]  resumes a previous
                 -restore or volumewise -search at the level and volume
                 where it was aborted. If level is given, the operation is
                 resumed at volume 1 of this level, unless a volume is given
                 as second argument. If the next component begins with
                 "-restore:" or "-search:" then this operation is
                 resumed instead of the most recent operation.
  -resume_last_source:address  sets the absolute source address of the file
                 object where exactly to resume within the given level and
                 volume. If the address is not matched in the first volume
                 of a resumed operation, then this first volume gets skipped
                 and the following volumes get restored normally.
  -resume_last_dirty:address  sets the absolute restore address of an
                 eventual file object that is neither in its pre-restore
                 state nor restored properly. The file object itself is
                 completely questionable. The directories above might have
                 too generous permissions for their owner (nobody else) or
                 (if created newly) too sparse permissions for anybody.
                 On next -resume, a non-empty last dirty address causes a
                 warning. In dialog mode a confirmation request is made.
                 In non-dialog mode the program aborts.
  -resume_last_lv:level[:volume]   sets the level and eventually volume for
                 the next -resume if this has no own level given.
  -resume_opt_text:restore_or_search_option  sets the default operation to
                 be performed by the next -resume if this has no own
                 restore_or_search_option given.
  -resume_state_files:fileaddress  defines a family of files which will get
                 updated at various stages of -restore or volumwise search.
                 fileaddress is later suitable for -resume_from_file.
                 filedaddress itself will hold a -status:long_history report
                 which defines the search environment and calls the other
                 files of the family, which get updated more often:
                   fileaddress"_opt" contains current -resume_opt_text
                   fileaddress"_src" contains current -resume_last_source
                   fileaddress"_lv"  contains -resume with current level
                                     and volume.
                   fileaddress"_dirty" contains current -resume_last_dirty
                 The reason for this scattering is to simplify manipulation
                 of the resume parameters.
                 Note: the commands s*backup_askme use an own file family
                 tmp/askme_resume_state* and will get confused if you use
                 -resume_state_files yourself.
  -resume_from_file:fileaddress  much like -options_from_file but allowed
                 to be the first argument of the program and able to set
                 the info source to be loaded. fileaddress should point to
                 a family of files created by  -resume_state_files .
  -resume_state_to_file  write current (possibly artificial) resume state
                 to state files.
  -protect:path  prevent restore address path and any restore below path even
                 if overwriting in general is allowed. If a file object with
                 address path exists, then not only the literal path is
                 protected but also any other path that leads to this
                 file object's inode and device number. If path leads to
                 a symbolic link, the link target is protected, too.
                 The protection of link target and inode is recorded when
                 the option is executed. Subsequently changed link targets
                 or inodes on disk will not be protected by that aspect of
                 protection. Literal path, the recorded link targets, and
                 the recorded inodes are still protected then.
                 Protections given as program arguments get recorded before
                 any restore or search operation is performed. The number of
                 protections is not limited. Nevertheless: use this option
                 sparsely because it is expensive at restore time.
  -shadow:path   like -protect but not causing an error condition if a
                 restore operation gets rejected. Thus a restore will
                 continue even if in -restore_mode:-:on_error_ignore .
                 -shadow is intended for applications as protection from
                 unwantedly overwriting themselves.
                 -shadow options are reported only with -status:long

Example (search oak.jpg on all backup levels) :
  scdbackup_askme /cdrom/ASKME -levelall /home/pictures/trees/oak.jpg

Example (load incremental configuration, start dialog):
  scdbackup_askme $HOME/backup_configuration -levelall -dialog
Dialog input:
More complex patterns: Filenames which begin with A,B,C,K,W, or Z either
in capital or in small letters, the second character may not be a digit,
the suffix must be 3 characters:
Filenamess which consist of "DSC", 5 digits and a 3 character suffix:

Restore directory with original source address  /home/pictures/tree
together with all its files from backup volumes back to disk:
This will create directory  /home/test/restored_pictures/trees .
You will get prompted for backup volumes to be inserted in /cdrom .
It will not be possible to overwrite existing files.

Example (load incremental information from backup media):
  scdbackup_askme /cdrom/added_by_scdbackup -levelall -dialog